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Learning How to Blog

Hi, friends!

Wow, I am officially a blogger! Sounds great! SO trendy! But… It’s not all that simple… See, the thing is that this trendy new occupation requires a lot of skill, and not in just writing the posts and publishing them with a click of a button. Just like most of us in this diverse modern world if you want to call yourself a real blogger – you gotta learn to multi task. Well, before I decided to start writing articles for my blog I knew that it probably won’t be an easy route. It turned out to be quite a challenging job indeed… Additionally  since I am quite a perfectionist and I want my blog to be pleasant to visit and easy to read I’ve realized that there is just SO MUCH that I need to learn.

I honestly hope that you, my precious reader (and I get just SO excited when I see that people do visit my blog! It’s like a big WOW to me!) will forgive me not posting as often as I should and not adding any of my photos (besides some lovely roses that I chose to be my blog’s  “logo” since roses are one of the most beautiful and my favorite flowers).

rose at night2

But let me report this to you:

  • I just bought an amazing Sony a 6000 mirrorless camera after reading an enormous amount of articles that compare and evaluate all the pros and cons of getting a mirrorless vs. a DSLR camera (apparently both are the types of professional cameras and there are more similarities than there are differences between them. Both are professional level cameras since they allow attaching and detaching a variety of lenses and both provide with an extensive choice of functions. My final decision was made after me taking to a few of my friends-photographers who told me that with a mirrorless you just get a better quality for the price).
  • I am learning how to use this camera (which isn’t an easy task for someone who’s been only using a “point and shoot” camera in an auto mode all her life…)
  • I have surrounded myself with the books on photography, editing and using the blogging software.
  • Finally I’ve been picking up tips from the other bloggers (such as Rebecca from sugarandsoul.com and Amy from amyshealthybaking.com) who have shared (God bless them) all those amazing tips on blogging.

So, with all that said, my dear friend, I want to just thank you for visiting my blog and  promise you that not only in the near future I will be posting more consistently (Just let me learn this craft! Gee, I feel like I am back to school!) but also sharing whatever I’ve learned about blogging with you since I now realize how useful all the hard-learned blogging tips are for anyone trying to dive into this trendy, but fairly new profession called blogger!

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